Sudan 2003. The police station.

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The street panorama looking from the territory of the police station. The police station El Imam Malik in the Omdurman, the suburb of the capital. Khartoum, Sudan. Monday, Dec. 22, 2003.
Lining up at 6.30 in the morning. The police station El Imam Malik in the Omdurman, the suburb of the capital. Khartoum, Sudan. Monday, Dec. 22, 2003.
At noon. The woman is handing out tea and coffee to the policemen. The police station El Imam Malik in the Omdurman, the suburb of the capital. Khartoum, Sudan. Monday, Dec. 22, 2003.
In detention. The police station El Imam Malik in the Omdurman, the suburb of the capital. Khartoum, Sudan. Monday, Dec. 22, 2003.
To avoid bringing an action against a teenager who has committed a minor offence the policemen sometimes tweak his ears and let him go home. The ears are likely to be bleeding. Neither a victim nor a suspect sign any documents - they make a finger-print instead. The police station El Imam Malik in the Omdurman, the suburb of the capital. Khartoum, Sudan. Monday, Dec. 22, 2003.
The victim in waiting near the suspect's prison cell. The police station El Imam Malik in the Omdurman, the suburb of the capital. Khartoum, Sudan. Monday, Dec. 22, 2003.
The policeman talking to the prisoner. The police station El Imam Malik in the Omdurman, the suburb of the capital. Khartoum, Sudan. Monday, Dec. 22, 2003.
The prisoners' roll-call. Khartoum, Sudan. The police station El Imam Malik in the Omdurman, the suburb of the capital. Monday, Dec. 22, 2003.
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